Green Nations: Conference programme

From the 6th to the 8th of October 2017, València will host the European Youth Conference. Sign up before September, 29th. This is the provisional programme; it will be updated soon.

6 October 2017
18.30 h.– Accreditation
20 h.– Welcoming session
21.30 h.– Dinner

7 October 2017
8 h.– Breakfast
9.30 h.– Bus to the Albufera
10.30 h.– Session 1: Human impact over lake ecosystems
11.20 h.– Break
11.40 h.– Session 2
12.30 h.– Travel by boat in the Albufera
13.30 h.– Lunch
16.30 h.– Bus to València
17 h.– Round table
18.30 h.– Visit to the Town Council of València
19 h.– Outdoors artistic performance
19.30 h.– Free time
21.30 h.– Dinner

8 October 2017
8 h.– Breakfast
9.30 h.– Free time
10.30 h.– Biking to Bonrepós i Mirambell
12 h.– Welcome and lunch
16 h.– Clousure
17 h.– Return to València and free time
21.30 h.– Dinner

Arxivat en: Acció, Concerts i actes, Idees, Relacions internacionals, Temes, Trobades, Urbanisme i Medi Ambient, Urbanisme i Medi Ambient


  1. Retroenllaç: Infocompromís 15 de setembre – Compromís per Oliva

  2. Retroenllaç: Infocompromís 22 de setembre – Compromís per Oliva

  3. Retroenllaç: Infocompromís 6 d’octubre – Compromís per Oliva

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